Lechler IDK Compact Air Induction Spray tips
- Air-aspirating flat- boom spray nozzle
- Pressure range:
IDK-01 to -03: 1.5 to 6 bar
IDK-04/-06: 1.0 to 6 bar
IDKN-03/-04: 1.0 to 6.0 bar - Very low drift potential and loss-reducing effect in pressure range up to 3.0 bar (according to size)
- At pressures above 3 bar- less drift resistance than other well-known nozzles- i.e.- coarse to medium droplet size characteristic
- Very compact design (8 mm width across flats- 22 mm long)
- Fits all bayonet cap systems with 8 mm AF and threaded caps
- Combines with IDKS end nozzle (of equal size)- for sharply defined edges
Typical of application
- Application of plant protectants (Insecticides & Fungicides) and growth regulators (Herbicides)
- Well-suited for application of liquid fertilizer (UAN);
pressure range for pure UAN:
IDK-01 to -10: 1.5 - 3 - 6 bar
IDK nozzle Advantages
- Inexpensive alternative to conventional standard-type nozzles
- No difficult O-ring to refit inside jet after cleaning
- Easy installation- with no adapter necessary
- One-piece nozzle with removable-fixed-position injector for tool free removal
- Hard-wearing and non-clogging thanks to lateral air-aspirating channels of ample size
- Very good deposition structure and canopy penetration
- Designed for good modern practice i.e. for use at wind velocities up to 5 m/s and higher sprayer speeds