Turbo 400 Spraygun with Aluminium hand piece with trigger guard
The Braglia TURBO 400 Spray gun features an adjustable spray lever, trigger locking device, and Airvac nozzle shroud atomiser, making it a reliable and high-performance spray gun used by Australian manufacturers. With a maximum high pressure of 50Bar, it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor spray jobs in agriculture, and includes a virtually wear-free ceramic jet.
- Professional multi-purpose spray gun with Long Life Viton seal
- Adjustable turbo atomiser
- Overall length 400mm
- Max. Pressure: 50bar (725psi)
- Supplied standard with 1.5 ceramic nozzle
- Looking for other size nozzles? CLICK HERE
Recognized as: Rapid Spray (AHG103STRP) QuickSpray (5170000) Silvan (401-26BRQS) Goldacres (GA5023475) Croplands (B26.901.165MK2)